Creating and Sharing Memorable Photos UWA Extension

Creating and Sharing Memorable Photos

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

With the holiday season on the way, have fun with your camera! There are holidays, swimming, travel adventures and Christmas/New Year celebrations. It’s also when photographers buy more new cameras than any other time.

Creating Memorable Photos is an informative and fun three hour workshop; providing helpful tips to obtaining sharper, better exposed, memorable images with suggestions for dynamic design and the occasional ‘wow’ image.

The workshop includes:
• Taking photographs family and friends will treasure forever
• Your camera on the beach – best times, using fill flash, safeguards
• Buying a camera to fit your needs –best brands and key features
• Sharing memories –photobooks, social media, prints and presentation
• Preserving images –best ways to ensure images will be around in 50 years