Photography - UWA Extension
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Successful travel photography

Learn how to capture great travel shots and ensure the time you spend on travel shows in your own great photography. This is a popular course for those wanting to record their personal journeys and those capturing images for work and profit. Sessions cover theory, practice and review, with tips on improving exposure, composition and much more. Learn from one of Australia’s most awarded Master Photographers. OUTLINE Travel equipment and what to pack; overview of useful lenses and... [More]

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Practical photography (advanced)

This advanced workshop takes you beyond the basics of photography. This workshop is designed to examine and utilise some of the intricate image-adjusting controls buried deep inside your sub-menus. The workshop also provides you with new advanced practical skills, showing you how to test each of your lenses for sharpness, how to accurately copy works of art and how to set a Manual White Balance for precise and accurate colour. The theme is the optimising camera’s functions for low... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Mastering mobile phone photography

Your best camera is the one you have with you and these days that’s probably your phone. With ever-improving optics and camera apps, smartphones are capable of producing amazing results. Like any camera however it’s the brain behind the lens that matters. Join Master Photographer Dale Neill on a fun, tip-filled seminar and master the techniques for producing incredible photos to share and enjoy. There are more photographs taken each day on mobile phones than all other camera types... [More]

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Learn DSLR in a day

Today’s DSLR cameras offer vast photographic opportunities – if you know how to use them and you understand light. Get started with your DSLR camera with professional photographers Karen Castle and Karin Calvert. This course teaches – in easy, clear terms – how to use the settings on your camera so you can progress to the next level of creative photography. In the morning session Karen will explain the basics: aperture, shutter speed, ISO and how to achieve correct exposure. In the... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Practical photography (beginners)

Image by Dale Neill Discover how much of a difference a little instruction makes! Whether you are a new photographer or someone wanting to learn more about the basics of of digital photography, this is an ideal course for you. Digital cameras have lots of controls and features that are not used to full effect. Gain the confidence to operate your camera and its features to produce better photographs of people, places or things. This course is for anyone with an interest in digital... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Practical photography (beginners)

Image by Dale Neill Discover how much of a difference a little instruction makes! Whether you are a new photographer or someone wanting to learn more about the basics of of digital photography, this is an ideal course for you. Digital cameras have lots of controls and features that are not used to full effect. Gain the confidence to operate your camera and its features to produce better photographs of people, places or things. This course is for anyone with an interest in digital... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Practical photography (intermediate)

Designed for those who know the basic functions and features of their digital camera and wish to learn more (or have completed the Beginners course). Topics include aperture priority, shutter speed priority, portrait modes, landscape modes, exposure compensation, eliminating shutter lag, manual white balance and macro. Note that your camera must have manual settings such as P, A, S, M. The course examines all the manual modes in some detail – P, A, S and M. We use landscape... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Mastering Facebook for Business

Over 17 million Australians now use Facebook, and more than half of them log in every single day. Like it or loathe it, Facebook is a great way to communicate with all manner of people and this advanced Facebook course will look at how you can use it to promote a business or cause. Content in this workshop will include how to set up and optimise a Facebook business page and how to develop a winning content strategy. We’ll also look at Facebook groups as another great way to engage... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Wild about flowers - wildflower photography for everyone

Digital cameras enable anyone to make close up and macro images of WA’s spectacular wildflowers. Whether you have a DSLR or a compact you can learn the controls and features on your camera to produce pin sharp, correctly exposed wildflower images with accurate colour. This day course includes a classroom session, lunch and a hands-on field session among the flowers. Learn with Master Photographer Dale Neill. Wildflower image by Gail, one of Dale Neill's past students. Digital... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Mobile phone photography (advanced)

Mobile Photography (advanced) - Creative Lighting and Portraiture This workshop is designed for those who understand the basic operations of their mobile phone camera and wish to extend their knowledge and skills. Recognising quality lighting and good locations are a feature of this practical workshop designed to enable you to capture creative portraits using classical lighting. You will learn how to use your mobile’s manual controls to get correct exposure on skin with increased... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.