Speakers - UWA Extension
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Greater Persia and its role along the Silk Road – The Mongol period and beyond

The Ilkhanid period in Persia (1256-1353) marks a particularly close connection of this historical, cultural and geographical area with the rest of Asia and Europe, due to the establishment of the largest domain the world has ever seen, the Mongol Empire. Persia’s interaction with its nominal rulers, the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368), was continuous and fecund along the Silk Road, resulting in a period of great mutual influence also in the cultural and artistic spheres. The talk will... [More]

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Social Impact of Social Media

The Hong Kong identity is changing with the help of social media. Social media is an undeniable force in today’s world. Learn about big history-defining moments to the silliness we’ve come to expect. Join researcher Dr Catherine Archer, and dig deep into the social impact of social media. Social media has only been part of our lives for little more than 15 years and yet it has irrevocably changed and challenged some of society’s major institutions regarded in the past as... [More]

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The Insider's Guide to: Fate of the missing masterpieces -DEFERRED DATE -

DEFERRED DATE - please check your email for more information Imagine a museum of lost art. It would contain more objects than all of the world’s museums combined. Only a modest percentage of the artworks created through the ages survive intact today. Some vanished masterpieces are definitely gone: consumed by fire, destroyed by iconoclasts, or fed to pigs. But what stirs the imagination are not the definitive tragedies of artifacts known to have been ruined, but the stories of... [More]

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Sleep your way to better health

Insufficient sleep is known to have detrimental impacts on overall health, yet the majority of the Australian population are depriving themselves of adequate sleep on a nightly basis. If you’d like to learn more about why we sleep and how it helps keep us healthy then you should attend this session with Dr Jen Walsh. You will learn about the science of sleep, why it is sometimes difficult to sleep and how inadequate quantity or quality sleep is bad for your health. Common sleep... [More]

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Philosophy Feast - Drug Use

Philosophy involves thinking about some of the big questions we ask during our lifetime: Should recreational drugs be legalised? Should performance enhancing drugs be allowed in sports? Come along to the May Philosophy Feast, join in the conversation and hear the arguments for and against the legalisation of recreational and performance enhancing drugs. This Feast of Philosophy, chaired by Dr Nin Kirkham, UWA Chair of Philosophy, will tackle these big questions and more over... [More]

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The Philosophy Feast - Consequentialism

Philosophy involves thinking about some of the big questions we ask during our lifetime: What is consequentialism? What is utilitarianism? Is utilitarianism the best moral theory? At this Philosophy Feast we will discuss the benefits and the limitations of the utilitarian approach to ethics. We will look at alternatives, and highlight the practical implications of adopting the utilitarian approach to ethical decision making. This Feast of Philosophy, chaired by Dr Nin Kirkham, UWA... [More]

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Philosophy Feast - Consequentialism in Ethics

Philosophy involves thinking about some of the big questions we ask during our lifetime: What is consequentialism? What is utilitarianism? Is utilitarianism the best moral theory? At this Philosophy Feast we will discuss the benefits and the limitations of the utilitarian approach to ethics. We will look at alternatives, and highlight the practical implications of adopting the utilitarian approach to ethical decision making. This Feast of Philosophy, chaired by Dr Nin Kirkham, UWA... [More]

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Keep Calm and Stress Less!

If feeling too stressed is distressing you, it’s time to take back control and reconnect to that place of calm and inner peace! Stress is the most commonly cited challenge many of us face on a daily basis. Severe chronic stress puts us at risk of poor health and mood disorders including anxiety, depression and panic. In this workshop Dr Jenny Brockis will teach you how to recognise symptoms of stress or burnout before they become an issue and how to create your daily stress... [More]

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Show Don't Tell- Skilful use of Exposition

Stories do not come out of a void. Your reader needs to know much about the time, the setting, the characters and past events to enjoy and make sense of the story. How to handle this mass of detail called exposition? Some storytellers set down facts like a newspaper report; others use awkward and unnatural contrivances. This workshop shows how the subtle art of exposition – showing not telling – may be woven into the fabric of the story so the reader is unaware of being given... [More]

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Politics, art and madness in Putin’s Russia

Russian artists have often deployed ostensibly ‘mad’ tactics to provoke public response, and provide commentary on social and political affairs. In turn, Russian authorities have turned to the label of madness to discredit, marginalise and institutionalise artists who dared to engage in such activities. In this fascinating public talk Dr Iva Glisic will explore historical and contemporary examples of the interplay between politics, art and madness in Russia, providing insight into... [More]

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