Subjects - UWA Extension
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Drawing for Non-Drawers

Overcome the fear of putting your mark on paper by learning some basic drawing techniques in a fun and relaxed environment. This includes learning how to see through an artist’s eyes so that you can put these new skills into practice. Discover how to draw creatively even if you think you can’t. This is a structured workshop that provides both information and exercises to get you working creatively even if you think you can’t. You will learn visual and practical skills that will... [More]

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How to Show More than Tell

The art of exposition – showing not telling – is a subtle one. Behind every story there is an entire world complete with a history and peopled by real-life characters. How does the writer handle this mass of detail? This workshop shows how and where writers can employ techniques to weave exposition into the fabric of the story so readers are scarcely aware of being given essential information. Stories do not come out of a void. There is much the reader needs to know about the time,... [More]

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Spanish for Beginners I

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND “Gabby Dolfi's Spanish course was excellent and her lesson delivery was always so productive. This made my beginners extension course a very rewarding experience!” Cheryl Penson 2019 Whether you’re enjoying some tapas in the middle of Madrid, or haggling at the markets in Buenos Aires, you’ll get to know the wonderful locals better with some basic Spanish language. Using a communicative approach, students practise language in real and recognisable situations... [More]

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Successful travel photography

Learn how to capture great travel shots and ensure the time you spend on travel shows in your own great photography. This is a popular course for those wanting to record their personal journeys and those capturing images for work and profit. Sessions cover theory, practice and review, with tips on improving exposure, composition and much more. Learn from one of Australia’s most awarded Master Photographers. OUTLINE Travel equipment and what to pack; overview of useful lenses and... [More]

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What's New in Microsoft Office 2010

This is an online course. To find out how our online courses work, please click here. Get up to speed on the latest version of Microsoft Office 2010! In these lessons, you’ll explore all the new features of Office as you work with Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, and Access databases. As you master each program, you’ll explore both the new 2010 features and those added in 2007. If you’re still using Office 2003 or 2007, you’ll learn how to transition... [More]

Introduction to digital scrapbooking

This is an online course. To find out how our online courses work, please click here. Learn to use digital editing techniques to show off your photos and memorabilia in Introduction to Digital Scrapbooking! Using Photoshop Elements, this course will teach you how to make the most of your scrapbooking talents and artistic ideas when you combine traditional and digital scrapbooking. Starting with simple projects, you’ll quickly learn how to build pages, use artistic journaling, and... [More]

Social Media Savvy

How do your customers and clients find you and how do they know, like and trust you, and then decide to hire you or buy from you? In most cases, it’s all about social media and your online presence! Stats show that 64% of consumers are more likely to trust a business if they interact positively on social media – and if they can’t find you there, they might give up on you entirely. If you run a small or medium-sized business, the chances are that you’re behind on your social media... [More]

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Introduction to Illustrator CS3

Enrol now. Whether you’re just hoping to do a little more with your art or you want to design professionally, this class will give you the Illustrator training you need! Adobe Illustrator CS3 is the program of choice for many graphic and visual artists. It allows you to draw and manipulate artwork, add special effects, apply color, and much, much more. Illustrator also sets the industry standard for creating vector images, which you can resize without loss of quality. In this... [More]

Interpersonal Communication Skills

Communicating successfully depends on effective use of communication strategies and behaviours. Words, facial and body movements, tone of voice, even clothing and situation, all form an intricate symbol system that must be quickly translated by those who want to communicate. It has been said that there is no communication unless a mutual sharing of meaning takes place. It has also been said that one cannot NOT communicate. These two ideas seem to oppose one another, but they are... [More]

Devious art of plotting your novel

A good plot is both the skeleton and sinews of the story, providing direction, definition and the power to move readers' feelings to a satisfactory resolution. Yet many writers find plotting difficult. By understanding and experimenting with the nine-point arc of a typical plot, workshop members will learn the devious art of plotting: discovering that plots are driven by the wilful or unconscious desires of the protagonists and that plot and character are two sides of the same... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.