Creative Photoshop in a Day UWA Extension

Creative Photoshop in a Day

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Photoshop Skills for Digital Imaging
Mastery of Photo Shop is essential for getting the ultimate from your photography and your best fine-art images for exhibition, competition or books. What you will learn from this workshop is that Adobe Photoshop is a powerful imaging program which is not hard to use. Soon you will be producing some amazing images from your initial camera capture, regardless of whether you have a point and shoot camera, or a more sophisticated Digital SLR.

This course will introduce you gently to the complex and sometimes baffling array of functions on offer from this digital darkroom and give you a thorough grounding that will allow you to work on your images in ways you never thought possible.

Workshop Outline

  • Removing the mystique and learning to enjoy the creativity of Photoshop
  • Correct setting up of Photoshop to maximize ease of working, speed and potential
  • Managing, opening, closing, saving, re‐sizing files
  • File types and their use ….. not very complex at all!
  • The power of layers – the basis of Photoshop
  • The magic of adjustment layers – quality without the size (or overloaded computers)
  • Levels and curves … different or the same outcomes?
  • Easy colour corrections ….. seeing it as it is or giving it a new look
  • Dodging and burning non‐destructively …. darkroom magic the digital way
  • Cropping, straightening and adjusting perspective … simplicity itself with great results
  • Clone, patch, healing brush and Content aware …. The ‘secret’ retouching tools used by all Masters
  • Using masks …. Reveal the hidden treasures captured, from global and local enhancements
  • Saving time with actions …… efficiency with creative flair
  • Adobe Camera Raw….advanced options to bring out the tones hiding within your images
  • Sharpening …. with finesse and sensitivity including Nick’s favourite plug-ins


Light lunch provided and included in price.
If you have any special dietary requirements please email our staff on Unfortunately we are unable to accommodate any dietary requirements without 48 hour notification.