Practical photography (advanced) UWA Extension

Practical photography (advanced)

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

This advanced workshop takes you beyond the basics of photography. This workshop is designed to examine and utilise some of the intricate image-adjusting controls buried deep inside your sub-menus.

The workshop also provides you with new advanced practical skills, showing you how to test each of your lenses for sharpness, how to accurately copy works of art and how to set a Manual White Balance for precise and accurate colour.

The theme is the optimising camera’s functions for low light photography. The workshop will show you how to use ultra-high ISO settings combined with maximum noise reduction techniques. The projects during the workshop are not only designed to demonstrate capabilities of your camera but also to challenge your perceptions and ingenuity as a thinking photographer.

In the image optimisation section of this workshop you will learn how to adjust White Balance to match the mood of the subject and minimize the requirement for Photoshop. Colour Space will be examined and adjusted. Noise reduction will be explained, both in-camera and post shooting. RAW, TIFF, PSD and JPEG settings will be compared; workflow and archiving procedures discussed.

Practical assignments include time exposures, time delay, low light landscapes, fine art still life and portraits using juxtaposition and chiaroscuro.


  • Digital lens design
  • Sensor size and depth of field
  • Prime versus zoom lenses
  • How to test your own lens sharpness
  • Advanced macro equipment
  • Sharpening techniques
  • Sensor design
  • How to clean your own sensor
  • Updating your firmware
  • Resolution
  • File formats
  • Colour space
  • Comparing metering modes
  • Brightness range and dynamic range
  • HDR
  • The zone system
  • Stitching and photo merge
  • Reducing noise
  • Manual White Balance
  • Memory card optimisation
  • Tips for travel photographers
  • Insuring your equipment

PLUS: Learn how to optimise your camera for one-button, SPEED SHOOTING of portraits, landscapes and macro.

Please note: Students should have completed UWA Extension’s Intermediate Digital course or similar or have a thorough working knowledge of all the Manual (P, A, S, M) controls on their camera as well as ability to interpret histograms.
Please bring with you:

  • DSLR or high level compact camera with manual controls
  • tripod,
  • camera instruction manual,
  • fully charged battery
  • clean memory card, and

Although not essential, a laptop with Adobe Photoshop CS3 or above or Adobe Photoshop Elements would be useful.

*Students have the option of emailing two images for review on the day of the course.
Here’s what to do:
1. Rename your images with your name e.g. BillJones1.jpg and BillJones2.jpg
2. Resize your images so that they are 1-2MB
3. Only submit JPEG images
4. Write ‘UWA Beginners’, ‘UWA Intermediate’ or ‘UWA Advanced’ in the Subject line
5. Email to Dale Neill:
6. Cut off date is 48 hours before the course

This course will be held at The University Club of Western Australia.

Lunch will be provided and is included in the cost.

If you have any special dietary requirements please email our staff on as soon as possible once you have booked. Your early notice is appreciated and assists us in meeting your dietary requirements.

Image by Dale Neill.