Spanish II UWA Extension

Spanish II

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Finally you’ve booked your Latino adventure and you’ve downloaded the Espanol app. How do you answer those beautiful brown eyes with a flat phone battery?
Better sign up to improve your basic Spanish today. This course continues on from Beginners; however if you have basic spoken and written Spanish, this course may suit you.

At the end of this course students will speak enough Spanish to:

  • Talk about themselves, their likes and dislikes, their future hopes
  • Make holiday arrangements in Spanish
  • Go shopping for food, clothes and other items
  • Confidently order a meal in a restaurant
  • Consult the doctor or pharmacist

Class 1:

  • Revision: Interrogatives, present tense verbs, numbers, greetings.
  • Talking about distances, saying where a place is.
  • Prepositions of place.
  • Practice ordinal numbers (first, second...)
  • Asking for and giving directions, and finding your way.
  • Irregular verbs: stem changing verbs + homework worksheets to complete.

Class 2:

  • Shopping for food, fruit and vegetables, groceries.
  • Acting the cost of things considering weights and measures.
  • Group and pair work in role play situations.
  • Saying what sport you like to play, what hobbies you like.
  • Your daily routine: reflexive verbs
  • Saying how often you do things.
  • Pair work: talking about your week.

Class 3:

  • Using the verb “querer” to buy things.
  • Ordering a meal at a bar/restaurant.
  • Using the verb “gustar” to express likes and dislikes, talk about what you like to do in your free time.
  • Use the verb “ir” to talk about the future. Talk about your plans for the weekend.

Class 4:

  • Talking about travel. Asking about routes and times. Buying tickets.
  • At the hotel: Check in/out. Complaints.
  • Names of parts of the body. Tell the doctor where you feel pain.
  • Revision topics learned in class.

You will need to bring a notebook and pen.
Course notes are provided and you are not required to purchase a textbook.
Tea, coffee and biscuits provided during break.

About Gabriela Dolfi:

  • English-Spanish Translator
  • Postgraduate Course in Teaching
  • Gabriela has been working as a Spanish and English Teacher as a Second Language since 2001
  • Started teaching in Argentina, her home country, and after migrating to Australia, continued teaching ESL and Spanish in various places in Perth (UWA Extension, TAFE WA and St Mark’s International College).