Show Don't Tell- Skilful use of Exposition UWA Extension

Show Don't Tell- Skilful use of Exposition

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Stories do not come out of a void. Your reader needs to know much about the time, the setting, the characters and past events to enjoy and make sense of the story. How to handle this mass of detail called exposition?
Some storytellers set down facts like a newspaper report; others use awkward and unnatural contrivances. This workshop shows how the subtle art of exposition – showing not telling – may be woven into the fabric of the story so the reader is unaware of being given essential information. We also cover Point of View (POV), focusing on the five most common POVs in first and third person and how they may be appropriately used.

About John Harman:
John Harman is a successful ghostwriter who has written for a living all his working life, first in advertising followed by many years as a journalist in the UK and America and then, as the owner of a small film production company, writing countless documentary, training and corporate film scripts. During that time he was also writing scripts for many popular UK television series.
For the past twenty years, John Harman has earned his living as a writer of both popular novels, with four major (500-page) crime thrillers published by Headline in the UK, as well as many non-fiction books.
He also works as a ghostwriter, speechwriter, scriptwriter, writing mentor and teacher of both creative writing and simple writing for business executives and public service personnel.
John has ghostwritten a number of books, from popular romantic fiction to corporate histories, biographies and autobiographies. His latest book is Arthur’s War, published by Penguin.


This course will be held at The University Club of Western Australia.

Lunch will be provided and is included in the cost.
If you have any special dietary requirements please email our staff on 48 hour notice is required to meet dietary requirements.