Creative Arts - UWA Extension
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Creative Arts

Drawing for Non-Drawers

Overcome the fear of putting your mark on paper by learning some basic drawing techniques in a fun and relaxed environment. This includes learning how to see through an artist’s eyes so that you can put these new skills into practice. Discover how to draw creatively even if you think you can’t. This is a structured workshop that provides both information and exercises to get you working creatively even if you think you can’t. You will learn visual and practical skills that will... [More]

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How to Show More than Tell

The art of exposition – showing not telling – is a subtle one. Behind every story there is an entire world complete with a history and peopled by real-life characters. How does the writer handle this mass of detail? This workshop shows how and where writers can employ techniques to weave exposition into the fabric of the story so readers are scarcely aware of being given essential information. Stories do not come out of a void. There is much the reader needs to know about the time,... [More]

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Introduction to digital scrapbooking

This is an online course. To find out how our online courses work, please click here. Learn to use digital editing techniques to show off your photos and memorabilia in Introduction to Digital Scrapbooking! Using Photoshop Elements, this course will teach you how to make the most of your scrapbooking talents and artistic ideas when you combine traditional and digital scrapbooking. Starting with simple projects, you’ll quickly learn how to build pages, use artistic journaling, and... [More]

Creating memorable fictional characters

Fictional characters must possess sufficient strength of character to handle difficult dilemmas. In other words, they must be up to the demands of the plot. John Harman will show you how to create convincing characters, even those of the opposite gender. A story may be structured like a journey with a: Compass – the premise, theme, threads Map – the plot Engine – the motivation of the protagonist (plus other central characters) Fuel – the dialogue The depth, dimensionality and... [More]

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Ten-minute sketches for absolute beginners

Absolute Beginners, enjoy a fast and loose, creative approach capturing the essence of your subject! Fun, easy techniques help you simplify basic art processes. You’ll use a variety of loose media helping you to free up... including markers, coloured pastels, graphite sticks, charcoal, conte, pens, ink. Great for unlocking artistic blocks, with a fun and expressive approach! THINGS TO KNOW Professional art materials provided. Light lunch is provided. If you have any special dietary... [More]

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Art Appreciation & Art History

The aim of the course is to introduce students to the pleasures of art appreciation and art history in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. This four week course will examine different ways of looking and appreciating art while considering aspects of Art History (with an emphasis on Renaissance and Twentieth Century Art) . No prior knowledge is necessary for the course. Week 1: Ways of looking; Form and Content Week 2: The Renaissance and Mannerism Week 3: Classicism versus... [More]

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Politics, art and madness in Putin’s Russia

Russian artists have often deployed ostensibly ‘mad’ tactics to provoke public response, and provide commentary on social and political affairs. In turn, Russian authorities have turned to the label of madness to discredit, marginalise and institutionalise artists who dared to engage in such activities. In this fascinating public talk Dr Iva Glisic will explore historical and contemporary examples of the interplay between politics, art and madness in Russia, providing insight into... [More]

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Introduction to Portraiture

Many drawers are happy with drawing still life but have difficulty with, or are afraid of drawing portraits. In this session you’ll work through techniques and exercises to learn how standard proportions fit with faces that you wish to draw. You’ll receive tips on improving your work and how to relax with the process. Some realistic drawing experience is needed for this workshop. Learn from Karen Frankel, an experienced artist and teacher. OUTLINE • Basic ‘front on’ face... [More]

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Introduction to Digital Photography

photo by Nick Melidonis Photography is one of the world’s most popular pastimes and yet many people who own or are thinking about upgrading their camera equipment don’t understand how to use and maximise the creative controls of their camera. Regardless of whether you use a compact; DSLR or a mirrorless camera; this workshop will explain the many creative choices you have in setting up and using your camera with the aim of shooting some stunning images the way you want to. Join... [More]

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Introduction to Modern Art

Join artist Richard Gunning, as he explores the history of Modern Art in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The four week course will examine the exciting and dynamic changes that took place in art as it responded to, and occasionally anticipated a rapidly changing world. It is a period that has produced some of the most powerful, and at times bewildering, and beautiful works in Western Art. This is a course for anyone who is curious about the art of our times and its not too... [More]

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