Science & Nature - UWA Extension
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Science & Nature

How to keep a beehive

Did you ever want to have your own beehive? Or perhaps you just want to take better care of your bees. Please only attend if you have been stung by a bee in the past and do not have a serious bee allergy. This basic overview explains how to manage a healthy, productive honeybee colony. Learn how to work with these fascinating insects and produce your own local honey. The theory section will take you through the logistics of starting in bees, how to use your equipment, how to... [More]

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Boost your brain power!

Thinking is the new black. While we worry about being replaced by machines, we forget what really matters at any age, is how well we think, learn and remember. It’s time to rediscover the lost art of great thinking and enjoy the benefits of increased focus, clarity and curiosity. It begins with building greater awareness of what it takes to create a fit and healthy brain. In this class you will, • Meet your brain, • Discover the Seven Healthy Brain Essentials • Determine your... [More]

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How to keep a beehive

Did you ever want to have your own beehive? Or perhaps you just want to take better care of your bees. Please only attend if you have been stung by a bee in the past and do not have a serious bee allergy. This basic overview explains how to manage a healthy, productive honeybee colony. Learn how to work with these fascinating insects and produce your own local honey. The theory section will take you through the logistics of starting in bees, how to use your equipment, how to... [More]

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DNA and genealogy - what DNA tests can reveal about your family tree

Millions of people around the globe are enthusiastically charting their bloodlines. Genealogy has become a cultural phenomenon! Join Genealogist Mike Murray in our upcoming seminar and learn what DNA tests can reveal about your family tree. We all have two family trees – one that we can build up from family stories and genealogical records, and another that’s hidden within your DNA. Easy access to inexpensive DNA testing is revealing family secrets, breaking down stubborn brick... [More]

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The science of happiness

Everyone wants to be happy and there are many ways to define and pursue happiness. But how many of those ways are supported by science? Learn the fundamentals of positive psychology and explore wellbeing, happiness and human potential from a whole new perspective. Discover what happiness is according to science, the important role it plays in our lives, and the benefits it brings. Let positive psychology expert Annika Rose guide you through the insights from research and how to... [More]

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Uncovering the literary history of the wheatbelt

Dr. Tony Hughes-d’Aeth, author of Like Nothing on this Earth: A Literary History of the Wheatbelt, will examine the creation of the wheatbelt through its creative writing. Some of Australia’s most significant writers used their experiences of this landscape in their writing, providing insights into the human and environmental effects of this experiment of mass-scale agriculture. [More]

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Sleep your way to better health

Insufficient sleep is known to have detrimental impacts on overall health, yet the majority of the Australian population are depriving themselves of adequate sleep on a nightly basis. If you’d like to learn more about why we sleep and how it helps keep us healthy then you should attend this session with Dr Jen Walsh. You will learn about the science of sleep, why it is sometimes difficult to sleep and how inadequate quantity or quality sleep is bad for your health. Common sleep... [More]

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Better brain health - creating a fitter brain

The Seven Steps to Better Brain Health BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND Just as physical health improves wellbeing, being brain fit helps you learn effectively, remember more and maintain clear thinking even when under pressure. The science has shown, while you can’t change your genes you can influence your environment which can have a significant impact on how well you age and retain your intellect. This workshop will enable you to develop your own brain fitness program based on those... [More]

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Introduction to Digital Photography

photo by Nick Melidonis Photography is one of the world’s most popular pastimes and yet many people who own or are thinking about upgrading their camera equipment don’t understand how to use and maximise the creative controls of their camera. Regardless of whether you use a compact; DSLR or a mirrorless camera; this workshop will explain the many creative choices you have in setting up and using your camera with the aim of shooting some stunning images the way you want to. Join... [More]

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